Daddy's Girl

By Victory Jones

There is a special relationship between a father and daughter, that is unparalleled.

“Fathers be good to your daughters. Daughters will love like you do.” - John Mayer

For those girls & women who are blessed enough to have an amazing father or a father figure in their lives, they understand the magic of the daddy-daughter bond. A father is our first impression & imprint of what our relationships with men should, could, and often times will be. It’s a precursor to how we are taught to love and be loved by male figures in our lives. Girl dad’s set the tone for their daughters in the ways they show up (or not), show love (or not). There is no denying the impact of a father in his daughtrs’s life. More and more we are seeing the roles of active fathers of color being highlighted - and it’s a beautiful thing. Especially given the cultural, social & political climate we are in that is rampant with negative imagery in the news & uncertainty due to the global pandemic.


Seeing images & reading stories of girl dads not only warms the heart but matters even more deeply to communities of color, as our families have been historically fragmented (and/or depicted as such). Shining a light on the special relationship between a girl and her father is something that not only makes us feel good, but instills a sense of pride, honor, hope, and positive examples within our community too! It is a valuable part of our cultural narrative that often used to go overlooked by the mainstream but is quickly rising to the forefront of social media & beyond.

These depictions are also important for other members of the family too. There are so many single moms co-parenting that cherish the relationship their daughters have with their fathers. There are also those who may have strained relationships with their parental counterparts, and these depictions and stories may even help to soften their hearts & give them hope or serve as a reminder that regardless of the status of the adult relationship, the relationship between a parent and child, is priceless & so impactful in a child’s life.

Regardless, the love between daughter & father, especially now during times of so much tension and strife in the world, is an important thing to champion & see. Even for little boys and other men, because it shows what’s possible when a man truly loves a woman (even is she is his daughter) unconditionally. It shows the mindful, selfless, vulnerable and compassionate side of men of color, which reminds the world of their tenderness & humanity. Which is something the world needs to SEE. Especially for Black men.

It serves as a reminder that they too are HUMAN and capable of so much love and also deserving of it too!

We are here for the daddy-daughter love and hope to see even more of if all across the board! Do you know any amazing girl dad’s? Let us know!