Inhale, Exhale: BREATHE

By Victory Jones

Breathing… something we do automatically and most likely take for granted, since birth. But breath is LIFE. Literally, it is our life force flowing through us, powering, and sustaining us. But did you know that you can control the breath and actually make it work to your advantage? You absolutely can.

Breathwork is becoming increasingly popular these days and consists of various practices to control & manipulate the breath for specific benefits & results. Things like increased oxygenation of the blood, organs & tissues, to quell anxiety and combat the effects of depression. etc. Breathwork can be used for various symptoms, issues & ailments of the human body. Energetically, emotionally, and physically. You name it, and there is most likely a breathing technique for it.

Here are some popular (and easy) breathing techniques you can try to help you destress, center yourself, and feel calmer & more relaxed overall:


Belly breathing is super relaxing and easy to do. It’s great for instant relaxation & stress relief.

  1. Sit or lay down in a comfortable position.

  2. Place one had on over your heart and the other just below your ribs on your belly.

  3. Take a deep inhale thru the nose into your belly (the chest should not move).

  4. Pucker the lips and exhale our thru the mouth, (like whistling), while using the hand on the belly to assist in removing air, if needed.

  5. Do this anywhere from 3 to 10 times, take your time.

  6. Take a minute to just sit with yourself & gently notice how you feel after.

4-7-8 Breathing

This technique also uses belly breathing to help you relax. You can also do this sitting or laying down.

  1. Place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest, just as you do in the belly breathing.

  2. Take slow, deep, inhales thru the nose, into the belly, while silently counting to 4 as you breathe in.

  3. Then, hold your breath, while silently counting to/ from 1 to 7.

  4. Exhale & breathe out completely as you silently count to/from 8. Really try to get as much air out as possible on the exhale..

  5. Repeat this 3 to 7 times, or until you feel more calm & relaxed.

  6. Take a moment to sit with yourself & gently notice how you feel at the end of the exercise.

Morning Breathing

This is great for when you first wake up in the morning. It helps to relieve muscle stiffness and clear stuffy air passages. You can also use it throughout the day to relieve back tension too.

  1. In a standing position, bend forward at the waist with the knees bent slightly. Let your arms dangle as close to the floor, as your body will allow

  2. Inhale, slowly and deeply, while rolling the body up to return to a standing position. Lifting your head back into position, last.

  3. Gently hold your breath for a few seconds, while standing upright.

  4. Then slowly exhale while bending back down at the waist, letting the arms dangle again.

  5. Slowly roll the body back up on the inhale and keep repeating the cycle a few times, slowly.

  6. Stand still for a moment and notice how you feel.

Give any or all of these a try and let us know how you feel after! And don’t forget to join us for the EXHALE Virtual Interactive Retreat on August 29th, 2020! Click here for more details and get your tickets today.