Image by Carlota Guerrero

Image by Carlota Guerrero


What if we told you there is only ONE race? THE HUMAN RACE. YUP THAT'S IT. Only ONE. And that everything else in between, was made up by some humans, eons ago (well maybe not eons, but you get the point), on this earth to divide, conquer, and control us is a farce. That's right: it's all one big lie. A lie that there is not enough. That WE are not enough. That we don't measure up. That we don't deserve equal opportunities.  That our differences are dangerous, and to be used against us when we don't fit into the systems designed to control us. A lie based in fear and the idea of lack; and that abundance is only reserved for the privileged "few", who hold the keys to the kingdom they've designed at our demise. A despotic, oligarchy rife with countless "ism's" to distract and denigrate us, to the point where we began to believe and perpetuate the lie. So much so, that we become complicit in our own oppression. *Sigh*

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What if we also told you that, our differences are not inherently "bad", and don't actually need to be judged at all. But instead, the things that make us different are just that: different. See a thing is just a thing, not what is said about the thing. That is unless we BELIEVE what is said about it. The same applies to people too. AHA! The caveat. Phew… that's a lot. Isn't it??? Well, remember: It's all based on A LIE. So what's true then? Well, a lot of things, for starters. Like, LOVE. That's true. It's also inclusive and abundant.

The very energy that, if each person intentionally operated from every day, would actually make the world a better place. Love is the ultimate truth. It brings us closer. We feel more connected. We have more compassion and more profound empathy. We really and truly SEE each other. Respect and revere one another… and don't treat our differences as something to be judged. Sound like a familiar fairytale, huh? Well, it's not.


The Colored Girl was formed to undo the damage of the systems that divide, exclude, and discriminate against us. And by "us," we mean, people of color. Most specifically, women of color. The Colored Girl is an answer in a world where we were once a marginalized afterthought. We exist because we believe in the ultimate truth, and we are on a mission to uplift unite and empower ALL women, all over the world…. Because where the women go, society & culture follow. So we are building diverse & inclusive spaces full of vulnerability, transparency, safe conversations, for us to disarm & connect more deeply. Making room to learn & grow; and also opportunities for us to thrive. Together.

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And we are here to beautifully disrupt the status quo with the notion, (resources & actions to back it up) that we can create long-lasting positive change. One woman at a time. We live by diversity & inclusion. From a grassroots, organic, and sincere AF level. Empowering the women of today to push beyond the limiting beliefs of archaic systems that never served us. So we can thrive in the world tomorrow. Oh, but there is strength in numbers, and we know this too. So we are not stopping. In fact, we are just getting started… and the TRIBE is growing (and glowing)!


Our skin tones range from the lightest of light to the darkest of midnights… and we are BEAUTIFUL.

We are not an after-thought.

We are the daughters of a global Diaspora.

We were never the "minority."

TOGETHER are the MAJORITY…  and we never belonged in anyone's margins.

So we are stepping out and standing proudly, as one TRIBE.

As Sisters in arms.

This is a new generation. 

A new movement

And we are very clear on who we are...


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We are the new way forward. One that serves us all. We believe in SISTERHOOD because together we are stronger. The faithful practice of COLLABORATION, over competition, because there are enough seats at the table for all of us. EXPANSION of the heart & mind, because without it, we cannot truly rise to our full potential. WELLNESS, as a devout priority, because we are no good to the world if we are not first truly good to ourselves. (Insert oxygen mask cliché here). We also believe in creating a positive IMPACT… to somehow make the world a better place than before.

Most importantly, we believe in LOVE, and the power it holds when mindfully coupled with faith & consistent action.

We are Black. We are Latina. We are Asian. We are Native…. and we are women. On a mission. We are for any woman who will stand with us, and empower other women. Period. 

This is who we are. 

This is why we are here. 

This is what we are about, and that's what it means to be The Colored Girl.

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