Quarantine Lover

Photo: Unsplash

Photo taken by: Eva’s Intimates

By Chez Monique

I know this may be a challenging time for MANY. Yet, perhaps some are finding this to be just what the doctor ordered: time to complete old projects, START SOME early spring cleaning, meditate, OR INVOKE YOUR ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT TO INITIATE OR EXPAND UPON THAT NEW PROJECT OR BUSINESS YOU'VE BEEN DESIRING for quite some time. FOR ME - I love all of it, and that is precisely what I've been doing...

Really though, how are my Lingerie Ladies staying sexy during this time? How are you making sure that you're keeping YOUR relationship and bedroom spicy? Is a regular date night on your calendar? Are you carving out some sexy time? Me, I'm finding myself taking more baths with a different type of scented salts...a nice soak with my candle burning and some soft music playing...oh yeah, I cannot forget my glass of wine or champagne. Whichever I choose just depends on my mood. Afterward, I luxuriate in a regimen that consists of applying bath oil slowly joined with a fragrance that suits my desire. Preferably Santal 33 by Le Labo. Once out of the tub, I dry off enough to where I'm still a bit damp. I then moisturize my skin...I spritz my wrist, the nape of my neck and behind my ears.

Next, I head over to my lingerie chest, and I choose something that speaks to me.

Author, Chez Monique, follow her @thelingerielady

Author, Chez Monique, follow her @thelingerielady

I use this time to check-in with myself. Self, how are you feeling? I'm giving myself permission to just feel and be in this moment. So often we are just going with the mundane day to day rigmarole without even probing our most important person —asking ourselves, how are you? Once I'm in something — whether it be ULTRA sexy, athleisure, or simply loungerie (loungewear meets lingerie), which is my usual go-to — I sit and just spend 10-15 minutes with myself. Becoming reacquainted with her has been a fantastic experience. If you have a partner, now would be the perfect time to incorporate him or her into your new-found ritual. Do you recall saying to self over time that you wish you had more time to do this, to do that, to love on yourself? Well, that time is finally here even though not all of us may know it. Let's honor ourselves and our bodies by indulging in more self-love. Whatever that looks like for you.

It's an intimate affair… own it!!!

From our lingerie family to yours, we hope that everyone is healthy, safe and sound and in the comfort of your loved ones. With all of us working together, we will emerge stronger and better. 

Chez, The Lingerie Lady

About the author: Chez, The Lingerie Lady, is the Creative Director of an online designer and luxury lingerie boutique- www.shopthelingerielady.com. She's a well known and highly regarded leader and influencer in the intimate apparel industry -  whether by style, design, color or purpose. Chez also integrates her tantric skills and knowledge by empowering women to own their sensuality and sexuality — no matter their shape, size, color or ethnicity. 

Photo courtesy of The Lingerie Lady, Chez Monique