A Mindful “Staycation” Wellness Routine

By Victory Jones

How’s everyone doing out there??? Well IN THERE rather, since we are still on this indefinite quarantine routine… phew. These are anxious times, to say the least. So much uncertainty, changes in routine, and also complete lifestyle overhauls in addition to this pandemic still going. All of which has many people feeling all the feels and trying to find new ways to cope with this “new normal”. Cabin fever, house arrest, lockdown, call it what you will. But just remember that how we label things affects how we perceive them, which in turn affects how we FEEL about them and also ourselves in relation to those things.

Well, let’s scale back and start here: everything is energy. EVERYTHING. Even the object we see and don’t see. This is just a fact. From the air we breathe to the coffee we drink, our emotions (energy in motion - #thatpart), our pets, etc. So, knowing this, and knowing that energy affects matter (because all matter is comprised of energy), it behooves us to be aware, mindful and attentive to our very own energetic vibration. Specifically our oughts, feelings, words, and actions.

Tuning in is not something that the world we live in normally focuses on. Sure there are a few of us who regularly practice things like prayer, meditation, etc to “go within” as part of our daily routine & lifestyle; but for many of us, most of our world is predicated on being outwardly focused. Dealing with things in the material world. But now we find ourselves in a peculiar predicament, and here we are: STUCK. In the house that is! Having to face things we normally wouldn’t. Like kids ALL DAY (#homeschool), new work from home schedules & routines (Zoom meetings galore!), cooking (you can still order in, but that gets pricey and the economy is in flux for sure); caring for everyone in the household all day long (Is there a secret panic/quiet room - or can we just drink wine in the closet? - Asking for a friend!). ITS A LOT. A major shift for sure. and it can feel overwhelming. But, it doesn’t have to be.

There are small ways we can inject some more peace, and sanity into this situation and create habits that serve us and can go beyond the quarantine. Things we can do & practice to help us be more aware of our energy, and even have better control of it to… and help us not only FEEL better, but actually BE better (equipped) to handle whatever comes out way. No matter how big, small mundane or cataclysmic.

I for one, happen to be an avid meditator. Honestly one of the best gifts I have ever given myself was learning the practices of yoga & meditation. As someone who was formerly challenged with anxiety (that’s right, it’s gone now!) and also pretty much had all the symptoms of someone with ADD (was never diagnosed, but I did a lot of research and It was a 99% match); I can tell you that getting still, tuning into self & source; being more mindful and aware, plus also doing things we enjoy to just for the fun of it, WORKS! All of these things activate things within your boys & ming that literally changes our vibration (energy) to raise it and make us feel & function better. No they are not magic pills or instant cures - that’s why we have to repeatedly practice them. But when we do, they act as tools that support fostering and maintaining more equanimity. So we don’t feel so stressed, crazy or at our wits end!

I figured sharing some of what I practice in my daily health & wellness routine, could be of support to others, especially during this time. Think of it as special “me time” or daily mindful staycation moments, just for you! My wish is that this serves you well and supports your journey towards better well being too. Enjoy & namaste.

Your Daily “Staycation” Wellness Routine

Here’s what you need:

  • TIME: You will need to carve out time during your day to practice cultivating tuning in and spending time with yourself, for yourself. Consider it an investment in your most valuable asset: YOU!

  • PATIENCE - remember this is a practice. Not a perfection.

  • CONSISTENCY - this is a recommended for daily use in order to cultivate the habit of attuning to self & vibrating higher.

  • KINDNESS - how we do one thing is how we do all things. So please BE KIND to yourself, firstly in all things, but especially when sitting alone spending time with self and dealing with your thoughts & emotions. Things may come up that you do not like or find uncomfortable and even painful. But its ok. You will be ok. the only way out, is thru. So let the emotions flow and just observe - consider it information there to teach you about yourself.

  • OPENNESS - open mind, open heart to let the old energy out and the new in. You’ll feel lighter.

  • TIDEFUL APP - I really love this app (not an ad) because it has a lot fo cool features. Music, ambient noise, nature sounds, timers etc. All of which can be used for meditation, breathing exercises, or to even take a dance break or nap! Because, why not?! #quarantinelife

  • PRAYER BOOK and/or JOURNAL: I have and use both daily. The prayer I randomly flip through, during the day and let spirit guide me to what it is I need to see for that moment. Always a word! The journal I use in between meditations to write about the “downloads” i received or observations during my sit. Also its a great creative exercise to just free write as well. You never know, you might be the next NY Times, bestseller! #werrrrrrk

OK, now that we know whats required, heres what to do:


  • WAKE: When you open your eyes DO NOT THINK OF THE DAY AHEAD! KEEP A CLEAR HEAD, BREATH AND LISTEN TO YOUR FEELINGS INSTEAD. Become aware of your body and surroundings and slowly wake while savoring the moment. When we fling ourselves into a barrage of thoughts, feelings or actions we take ourselves out of the present moment and put ourselves at a disadvantage for the day ahead, because we are not fully connected to self & source. So sit for a little bit (or continue to lay) and just BE.

  • GRATITUDE FOCUS: 5-10MIN- Make note of all you are thankful for (can be written)

  • GROUND (ROOT TO RISE): 2 MIN - HOW TO DO IT: Plant your feet firmly on the ground, eyes open and harness your energy. Imagine a line of energy from 3 feet above your head going thru your body to three feet below your feet… and gently say to yourself (silent or aloud) “I anchor myself where it is most appropriate at this time. Keep eyes open and breathe naturally for 1 minute

  • MEDITATION &/or PRAYER: 10 MIN - Use Tideful app, choose a setting you like and set the timer.

  • READ: 15-20MIN Preferably anything that gets your brain or soul stirring.

  • MOVE: 15-30MIN Some type of exercise to get the energy and blood flowing through your physical body and energetic field

  • SIP & SAVOR: 10-15MIN Have something warm to drink to soothe your body & soul.


  • GROUND: 3-5MIN

  • MEDITATION and/or PRAYER: 10 -15 MIN - Use Tideful app

  • MOVE YOUR BODY: 15-30MIN - Walk, stretch, dance, etc… just MOVE!

  • IMAGINING: 5-10MIN (Use this time to indulge in flights of fancy and just let your imagination go WILD! Write down any significant pings or ideas you may have.

  • QUIET TIME: Sit in silence and just BE (This can also be a meditation if you choose)

    EVENING WIND DOWN: RELAX AND UNWIND, BE FREE! - After work, before bed

  • GROUND: 2min

  • GIVE THANKS: 5MIN - Reflect on the day, silently or aloud and say what was awesome, lovely, great about today. Can also be written & can be ANYTHING! Nothing is too small or grand. It all matters.

  • READ &/or JOURNAL: 20-30 minutes - Just write whatever comes up for you.

  • R&R MODE: Take 3-5 SUPER DEEP BREATHS, then sit or lay in silence, do a body scan by focusing on one body part at a time & observe any sensations, then relax your entire body - one part at a time until your entire body is relaxed. BREATHE NATURALLY, and just let the thoughts flow in/out or vanish all together. If needeD take one deep exhale and sigh it out. Relax & release!

  • JUST BE: Let go and let your self drift off to sleep, knowing that you were the best version of yourself you can possibly be in any given moment.

    *Please note during ALL meditations phone must be off.