Healing Ayurvedic Practices

From an Article originally by Natalie Ledwell, co-creator of Mind Movies

We build technology, we race for cures, and we aim for the stars. But what if the answer to unbreakable health was already discovered 5,000 years ago?

Millions of people now turn to the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda to heal, energize, and turn back their body clocks. Ayurvedic remedies and prescriptions are focused on bringing your mind, body, and spirit into complete balance, holistically. Through diet, detoxing, mindfulness, and physical activity, they program your mind and body to heal and prevent illness and disease.

Here are a few simple Ayurvedic self-care practices that will completely transform your life:

1. Wake up before 6am.

Yes, not everyone's a morning person, but getting up early is essential to restoring your body’s natural sleep rhythm.

In fact, studies show waking up early also sets you up for increased energy, better digestion, decreased stress, and more vitality.

Try it for two weeks, and see how your body and mind start to transform.

2. Develop a morning ritual

Before checking your email or thinking about the things you need to do (which instantly shift you into stress mode), take the biggest breath you can, and exhale with intention. Make sure to acknowledge waking up to a brand new day.

3. Clean yourself inside out.

Drinking warm or hot water throughout the day strengthens your immune system by flushing out all the toxins in your body. And according to Ayurveda, this is one of the best strategies for losing weight.

4. Elevate your eating experience.

Ayurveda not only teaches us to honor what we eat but also suggests turning our meals into an event.

Don’t save the nice silverware for a special occasion! What can be better than the now to enjoy life's gifts?

Enhance your senses with flowers and candles, and make every meal special.

5. Know your Ayurvedic body type.

Have you ever wondered why some people can’t sit still for a minute, while others can sit quietly for hours. Or why some can eat a 5-course meal gracefully while others can’t finish a salad? According to Ayurveda, each person falls into one of three energy types (known as 'Doshas'), which determines their personal characteristics, preferences, and quirks.

The types are known as VataPittaand Kapha, and each one corresponds to a personal blueprint derived from the 5 elements: water, fire, earth, space, and air.

So which Dosha are you? And do you plan on adopting any of these Ayurvedic practices into your daily life to become the healthiest version of yourself? Drop a comment below and let us know