Free Coaching Sessions For Black Professionals & Allies

By Catalina Peña

Our work environments don’t always make it easy to have hard conversations, especially about anti-racism. That’s why Catalyst Creation, is supporting the community and movement through free coaching sessions and ally conversations. If you are struggling to feel supported, heard, or want to talk through what you can do to support anti-racism efforts at work, sign-up for a coaching session, or an ally group conversation.

We will be reserving the 1:1 coaching sessions for black professionals to hold space for their experience.  If you are a non-black ally that wants to learn more about your role in supporting anti-racism at work, please join our ally conversations. All sessions will be led by a black or Afrolatinx coach.

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Together we can support each other to make the workplace more inclusive every day.

Click the following link to sign up for the sessions, here:

Catalyst Creations Free Coaching Sessions

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About the Author: Catalina Peña

Catalina is an Afro-Colombian Recruiting Professional who emigrated to the US at age 9 and found herself in the Tech industry by complete accident.

Her background is as a Tech Recruiting Professional (Facebook, Twitter, Andreessen Horowitz, Asana) where she coached 1000+ individuals and helped hire 131 new techies to the industry. Since establishing Catalyst Creation in June 2019, she has grown her business to 6-figures and has helped clients secure over 150K in salary increases. Follow her on Instagram: @curiouscata