Give Yourself Permission to Dream

by Victory Jones

I recently watched a very powerful video of Lisa Nichols speaking at a MindValley summit earlier this year, that moved me to tears. Why? Because it was that powerful. It was a reminder that shot straight to the heart of me (and countless others) to let us know that we are not alone, and that we are magnificent. All we have to do is remember, give ourselves permission to dream, and live each moment accordingly.

In the video, Lisa (yes we are on a first-name basis, because she is not only an adopted mentor of mine, but also friend in my head), talks about the significance of 2020 and how its a year for REset, REstart, REignite, REpeat (the things that you love), REcommit, REdesign, REengage & REstart. Phew! If that isn’t a whole WORD?! Then I don’t know what is.

Now if we think about the prefix “RE” and its indication, which means “again”; then the message becomes even more clear. What Lisa meant, was for us to do all of these things again and again, in a more intentional way in order to transform our lives. To decide what it is we want to reset, restart, reignite, recommit to, etcetera, and give ourselves to show up, dig deep and go for it. This made me think about the theme for the next IMARA Retreat actually, #theSHIFT, and how in order to align with what we desire, we have to first shift our attention & focus to embody the energy that serves who we are at the core and what it is we wish to womanifest, in order to transform ourselves & our lives. I know, that’s a LOT! But, it doesn’t have to be. If there is anything yoga has taught me, it’s that the smallest shifts, changes & adjustments yield the greatest change - when we are consistent. #thatpart

After watching the video I decided to do an exercise called stream of consciousness writing, and the following notes are the powerful take-aways that came out when I did. It is my intention that these words support you on your journey in 2020 and beyond, and that you always remember who you truly are and live in your full glory & magnificence. Ashé.


It’s ok to show up as yourself.

With all your quirks…



Crazy & incomplete ideas…

Big & tiny dreams.

It’s ok to invest in yourself - in fact, it’s imperative.

Your age doesn’t matter.

Your race doesn’t matter.

Your size doesn’t matter.

How much money you make or don’t make, doesn't matter.

Who you are is what counts.

Your energy matters.

Your intention matters.

How you live, for yourself, that matters.

It’s ok to make mistakes & be great.

It’s ok to be afraid & still be courageous.

Your future is an intention & a thought away - envision it, feel it. Put yourself there.


You have a divine appointment with your future self.

Decide that you are good enough.

That you are worthy…

That you are deserving…

And unleash your inner greatest self.

Give birth to your greatness, by taking steps toward it one moment at a time.

One intention at a time…

One thought at a time…

One action at a time…

Live in your truth.

Live in your vibration.

Live in your alignment…

In only the way that you can.

Honor that. Fully. Always, All ways…. and you’ll attract people who also honor & support that too.

Love yourself more.

Turn up your love.

Turn up your forgiveness.

Turn up your gratitude, too.

Rid yourself of anything that doesn’t serve you.

Rise up to meet every bit of your magnificence.




Appreciate the lessons & blessings, even those wrapped in sandpaper!

Look at the challenges and tone up… rise up to meet them.

Be encouraged.

Find a way to make a way out of no way….

Know that you ARE the way.

You and the path are ONE.

You are the ONE.

You are the solution.


You have everything you need.

Permission granted…