Awaken to Your Divine Currency

by Jasmine Offor-Verville

Blessings beautiful beings!

What a powerful time filled with opportunities of activation that we all have the ability to be here now!

This planet is transforming right before our eyes & what a blessing to be awakening from slumber with Her!

Not only are systems & patterns on the macro level tumbling down because they can no longer hold what is going to take its place, but each one of us on a micro-level is finding ourselves evolving with each breath.

You are not chosen because you are equipped, you become equipped when you say yes!

If you have found this, your Soul is ready for more. It is ready to show up in a BIG way, the kind of bigness that creates ripples of change just by your breath & presence alone.

Before we arrived here, we created everything we would ever need, not only for surviving but for thriving! We chose our bodily vehicles & the kind of energy we would be emitting from it. We chose our purpose, families, friends, lessons & loves.

The World needs what you came here to give it, and to be honest, it's not about you, not is it about me! It's about those that will be touched by you every day. The souls that came to be inspired by the way you move about the World so they too can take the leap into the unknown & trust wholeheartedly that there is more than enough available to blossom into their Soul selves!

Money is also a beautiful piece of our Godly creation.

I never would have imagined that I would have been called to share this revolutionary message of Money or Divine Currency with the World in this way. My angels gave me Soulfully Selling by Design to suspend space for others to awaken to their abundance and I am still in awe. If given the chance, I don’t think I could have chosen me. But what sets any of us apart is not necessarily our gifts, talents & abilities - but the will to say YES when called. Even through the fear, we must say yes!

Co-creating with Money in this way IS the revolution!

What would this World look like if wealth was distributed in ways that allowed everyone to experience life in their most abundance essence? For you to serve others & eventually build Heaven on Earth. This is not a dream to be waited on but one that is existing in the mere shadows of our present moment.

Check out the Message from Divine Currency that started it all, here.


It is our responsibility to GET FREE!

Why else are you here? Why did you bring your medicine to this plane, if it was not to guide and walk others back home into the Divinity from which we all came!? I personally thank Source every day for both Divine Currency (Money) and for you too!

So my questions for you are:

  • Will you say yes to living in your clearest expression?

  • Will you say yes to being a vessel of Divine’s abundance & prosperity?

  • Will you say yes to sharing your truth through your actions & living by example?

  • Will you say yes to integrating the shadow aspects of yourself & believing in your worth?

If so, it’s time, when you’re ready…

See you on the other side,



Reference: Moondust Our Mother


About the Author: Jasmine is a Human Design Relationship & Soul Purpose guide. She works with couples & individuals that understand the importance of awakening & aligning to a deeper connection and how that has the power to transform our world. Through the wisdom of Human Design, she reminds others of their Soul’s vision & true identity, ultimately returning us back to your most authentic state of being: love.

Follow her on Instagram: @moondustourmother

Photo: Instagram