5 Foods To Eat This Fall, For a Healthy Glow!

We all know there is nothing like a healthy glow! A great skincare routine is key, but nourishing ourselves form the inside out with amazing foods is the real key to getting & staying gorgeous (and feeling fab)!

Our skin is not only one of our best features, but is a roadmap of our health and testament to our stress, hydration and nutrition levels, checks & balances! With the change of season, bringing colder weather, less sunlight, shifts in eating *and sleeping habits) plus the pending holiday season upon us; it can be difficult to know how to navigate the best bites to keep us looking fabulous! But according to The Glitter Guide , here are the 5 fall foods for magical, glowing skin:

Sweet Potatoes

One of the biggest sources of vitamin A and C, sweet potatoes can actually help prevent acne and speed up the process of healing inflammation.

Give this Sweet Potato Crostini a try!


We know, we know, it’s the season of pumpkin overload, and pumpkin spice everything! But Pumpkin is one of the top sources of beta carotene, which our body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for cell regrowth, and helping you glow from the inside out

Try this recipe: Cozy Pumpkin Waffle


One a day keeps the doctor away (so they say), but apple stem cells are starting to be used in a lot of popular beauty brands, but snacking on them raw or in a baked fall dish gives you the nutrients to work from the inside out. They are packed with vitamin C, so an apple a day will keep the wrinkles away!

Try this yummy Apple Spice Smoothi Recipe!


A delicious fresh water fish full of good fats! Salmon is a wonderful source of omega-3 fatty acid, which helps to calm inflammation and also creates healthy oils that literally help you glow.

Beets… and we don’t mean by Dre!

Get adventurous with this Ponzu Dressed Beets with Quinoa recipe!

BEETS… not exactly your fave? It’s ok there are ways to make these ruby red (or golden hued) beauties fit into your meals with a high “YUM” factor! Beets are pretty magical when it comes to antioxidants. They’re really great for reducing inflammation and can help slow the aging process internally and actually combat wrinkles.

All of these superfoods are great roasted on their own, in combination with each other or other delicious veggies, but no matter which of these foods you choose to load up on and how, just know that your skin (and digestive system) will be better for it!