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There is nothing quite like a sister’s love & support. Here are 8 reasons that delve into the importance of sisterhood, how it enriches our lives and why we should always be our sister's keeper.

2020 is right around the corner y’all…and “sisters are doing it for themselves!”. We really are. Just look around the landscape and you will see that women are bonding and banding together at amazing rates all over the world! But what is it about true sisterhood that makes it so special? Well, we give you 8 reasons why you should always be your sister’s keeper below!

  1. Sisterhood is a safe space. In a world full of chaos, craziness, and things that can make us feel not so great; deep bonds formed between women that become a sisterhood function as a safe space for us to breathe and just “be”. Accepted. Embraced. Honored...and absolved of the need to explain things all the time. True sisterhood is a “come as you are, and I love you anyway!” type of party, where we can never be too much or too little of anything. We can just be ourselves, and loved fully, as is. Which is refreshing, to say the least!

2. The support is unmatched! The kinds of support we receive from our sisters (blood or not) is unmatched. Even when they are not available to be there for us physically, there is something comforting, and very magical about knowing that love, support and sheer energy of your sisters is always with you every step of the way. It's a bond that goes beyond physicality and into a realm of pure energy that sustains and uplifts us when we need it most.

There is just something special about knowing that your sister loves you unconditionally, no matter what. Win, lose or draw that she will always be there to listen, console, laugh with, cry with, or just sit on the couch and not say a damn word with you. And also knowing that you revere and respect each other even when you don’t agree or understand one another.   that deep that it transcends all limitations. 

They will celebrate the smallest of victories with us and be our biggest cheerleader (and motivators) and also tell us about ourselves when we think our sh*% doesn’t stink or we mess up. For better or for worse, they are our mirrors to self, showing us the parts of ourselves we need to see. There is something so amazing about knowing that our sisters have our back and will always keep it real, no matter what. But always with our best interest at heart.

 Built on positivity, honesty, trust, and love: we can always find solace in our sisters, and we know we are not alone. Sisterhood reminds us that we are supported & lightens our (emotional & mental) load. It can help us feel less stressed, and even produce which aids our well being.

Don’t get us wrong: there is nothing wrong with a little friendly competition. It's natural and healthy. However, seeing & treating other women as adversaries? Nah. That’s an antiquated notion, adopted by some women and most likely perpetrated by men in the past, for far too long. But let’s keep it real: that kind of divisive energy doesn’t serve anyone, is counterproductive and just wasteful. We can and do accomplish so much more when we band together. And let’s be honest: it feels better too! In some cases even co-conspirators & accomplices in life. From everything to our greatest accomplishments, even down to our most unforgettable of shenanigans! Coming together to make magic is one of the best things we can do as women.

Within ourselves, and within our sisters too! Everything from our conversations to our courage & vulnerability, to the sharing of resources large & small… In sisterhood, we continually show up, and stand up for one another! A foundation so strong, that we have no choice but to feel empowered beyond our wildest dreams. Especially when we know our sisters have our back and are ready to remind us just how powerful we really are. Not only can we have fun with them,  talk to them about anything, be our best (and worst) selves with them, but a true sisterhood empowers us. It inspires us to do better, shine brighter, embrace ourselves for who we really are and celebrate ourselves the way our sisters do! 

Learning to accept, love and embrace other women and form a bond so deeply that we consider her a sister; also teaches us to appreciate and celebrate our differences rather than look down on them. Our sisters are an external reflection of the love we ideally strive to have for ourselves, (and there is nothing greater than self-love). It teaches us how to be loved by women, how to give love to women, and how to be loyal to women, too. That type of energy is so strong & good, that it’s usually contagious, and we are more likely to embrace other women and pay it forward. Which not only expands our hearts and minds but also our TRIBE too!